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Text File | 1993-12-09 | 29.7 KB | 3 lines | [ TEXT/ttxt]
éééééééééééééééééééééé ꋇºÊ ººfl ‚ ’sº Jittlov Screen Font with WizBatsˇ ˘ ı Ÿº€ ⁄º ˜º  Jittlov ScreenFont LegendThis chart shows all of the characters in the Jittlov ScreenFont. Their accessibility depends upon your system, and the word processing program you’re in(see the ReadMe’s for full info). On my PowerBook 540c, and in this original SimpleText file, all characters (except #0 and 256) are visible. You also must haveJittlov ScreenFont installed in your Fonts folder. Note that this particular font is strictly a screenfont — meant to show your Apple filenames in their mostcompact configuration, along with special characters you can use to construct non-Latin letters and other symbols. Those constructs will not appear ondocuments/email transmitted to others, unless they also have Jittlov Screenfont installed. (Use the font simply labeled ‘Jittlov’ ºinstead.)ASCll Decimal font positions 0-32, 127, 202 and 256 should be left alone, unless you feel really lucky. They do odd things, either solo or in certain links. If thatpiques your interest, I’ve included their access key-combinations for the adventurous/foolhardy. As usual, “Ctrl” ºis the Control key (coincidentally labeled“ctrl” on your keyboard)º; “º ” ºis the Shift keyº; “ºÔ ” ºis the universal ideogram for the Option key (or a behind-the-back Hi-5)º; “Ôº” ºis the Apple Commandkey (or a European roadside sign for some historic site with an admission fee)º; “Ctrl M” means that you hold down the Control key while you push the M key(capitalized here for your convenience, but do not ºuppercase it unless the Shift º arrow is also indicated). Each position number will access two (or more)character sets — the Plain Characters in Column A, and the Italic/Alternate/Completely-New Characters in Column B.The simplest way to cross the Font Dimension is to type Ô I (or highlight the text/character), and you’re in Italic-Land. Type Ô T (or Ô I again), and you’veswitched back to plain text. Typing Ô U will underline, even in italics, and Ô B will make characters bold & gloppy. If ˆ appeared, you typed the wrongthing. If your word processing program permits, then you can also make letters and charactersº outlined and/or shadowed (which changes the leading,or interline spacing). Choosing Condensed (condensed) or Extended changes the intercharacter spacing. These commands work in most standard text-editingprograms, however… The current System (7.5.3r2) always uses the Plain Text for filenames, with the Italics side reserved for filename aliases. And thecurrent BBEdit Lite lets you have Plain or Italics — but not both in the same document. Until Things Change, these are the Rules we must live by. We begin…Dec# Keystroke Plain Italic Description/Excuse 0 Ctrl @ º 1-31 are temporary pix-indicators, I’m still testing for some way to effectively pictify any of these positions 1 Ctrlº A º º ºSecret position for an Icelandic capital Eth (–ºDº) 2 Ctrlº B º ºSecret position for an Icelandic small Eth (’∂ …sort-of) — replaced by Chinese for ‘Perfection’ º& ‘Genius’ 3 Ctrlº C or ºEnter ºSecret position for a capital L-slash — typing Ctrl C gets the place-holder at 256 — and is Claris Page-Break 4 Ctrl ºD º ºSecret position for a small Polish L-slash — sometimes erases or moves my cursor to document-end 5 Ctrl ºE ºº Secret position for a Czech S-caron/hachek (S, use 14) — may also get HELP in WordPerfect 6 Ctrl ºF º Secret position for a Czech small S-caron/hachek (ºs, use 15 ) 7 Ctrl ºG º º Secret position for a capital Y-acute (Y under' ºº) — also rings a bell on some computers 8 Ctrl H Secret position for a small Y-acute (ºy under' ºº) — this will also Back-Delete, so be careful 9 Ctrl ºI or Tab JittlovJam’s Tab set at 10 pixels — perfect in SimpleText & BBEdit, but Claris & WordPerfect have their own Laws 10 Ctrl ºJ º Secret position for Line Feed — now being investigated by agents Fox & Dana 11 Ctrl ºK º Secret position for Icelandic capital Thorn (|P) 12 Ctrl ºL ºº Secret position for Icelandic small Thorn (ºº) 13 Ctrl ºM or ºReturn ºCarriage-return — where we do not ºwant an amusing little picture (certainly not at #13˝º) 14 Ctrl ºN Secret position for Czech capital Z-caron/hachek, now makes Z S R (this is an experiment, italic worked oddly) 15 Ctrl ºO or ºDelete º º ºSecret position for Czech small Z-caron/hachek, now makes c eº i r s z (also experimental) 16 Ctrl ºP º Apple’s secret position, also reachable by tapping F1 & Fº5-Fº12 17 Ctrl ºQ º º º17-26 are secretly for DC-1,2,3,4 ( Ô √º– º in Chicago), ©/2, ©/4, ®/4 and superscripts © ™ ® — better at 168-170 18 Ctrl ºR º º ºSo instead, here’s a SimpleText-only preview of my JittlovJam Ascii-Master! With just 10 special characters 19 Ctrl ºS º (and laterºa whole lot moreº), you can use your precious free time to build all of your favorite text smilies!! 20 Ctrl ºT º º º º d Oº º >;¬j {ºººD %*) ºººº ººº -d > ; - d º |º |º> |(H),1 21 Ctrl ºU º º ºH } { C}}}º>oº> “Ω” R/`8 ºo º@ ºº@º ºº©º > º – 22 Ctrl ºV º º ºH {º ººº ∂ß Q <ߺºQ 0 }- P C ºo{º º=)> { )> {— -====} º ººººººººº 23 Ctrl ºW º º ºH ºººººº ººººº ººººº ° ° ººº –+ 24 Ctrl ºX º º ºH :: B º- >º- 8BßoO }- P ;: 3 - a ;– D `d (_) [_] [U] [O] (_A_(/|\/I\T/T\ 25 Ctrl ºY º º ºº ºº= ººº{= ºº ∑(º d`’2 >;ºº^@ ººº ¬º) { o{ º)> ººD{º º ∫X) º)(–ºº ºo º 26 Ctrl ºZ º º ºAnd more! –– +ºº º > >º{ ‘**≈•∑D(]]]]]]ººººº- ˛ºº 27 Ctrl º[º or ºEscape º º ºBroken Vertical Bar 28 Ctrl º\ º ºMoves cursor left — See #13 o o (I’m playing…will clean all this up later) 29 Ctrl º] ºMoves cursor right - Ditto 30 Ctrl ^ º º Moves cursor up — Ditto™ (little arrows pasted from WordPerf’s Symbol-menu) 31 Ctrl - Moves cursor down — Ditto® 32 The Space Bar ºI’ve set this for 2-pixels between words — but ºyou ºcan ºspace ºthem º3º pixels º oºr ºm o r º e using 188 33 1 or º! º! º ! ºExclamation mark 34 ' or º" " " ºInch mark — often used as Straight Quote marks, or you may use the real set of quotes at 210 and 211 35 3 or º# º# # ºNumber sign, or Pound-Weight sign, or a music Sharp, or a printer’s Insert Space mark 36 4 or º$ º$ º$ ºAmerican/Canadian/Australian Dollar sign, the root of all 37 5 or º% º% % ºPercent sign — which also makes nice ascii-lines of %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%… 38 7 or º& º& º& ºAmpersand, Ampusand, Amsiam (Latin ligature made from et, or “and” ) — &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&… 39 Just key theº ' ' ' ºFoot mark — more often used as an Apostrophe/Indirect-Quote mark, or use the real ones at 212 and 213 40 9 or º( º( ( Left Parenthesis — a problem, but optimized for space-saving and not cutting into letters 41 º–O or º) ºº) ) ºRight Parenthesis — ditto & makes a weird smilie :-) …but I have included an alternative Happy WizBat at 241 42 8 or º* º* * ºAsterisk — IMHO, better than in a lot of fonts ********* sparkly and evocative, festive yet subdued 43 = or º+ + º+ Plus sign — …some characters are better/clearer if left unitalicized…this is one of them 44 Key , ºº, , Comma — ditto 45 Keyº - - º- Hyphen, Dash — used as the minus sign — ##which can be used for a dash, or try the real dashes at 208 and 209 46 Key º. º. . Period — you may not believe how long it took to perfect this italic . but please appreciate it & use it a lot......... 47 Keyºº / º/ ºº/ ºForward-Slash — aka the Virgule by the one-pinky-up crowd, and also an old British Shilling mark 48 Keyºº–O 0 º0 Zero — I know, it matches letter O, but a crossbar confuses–0 with 8 and –O with 8…if visually needed, use a Theta 49 Keyº 1 1 º1 ºNumber One — at last, a #1 different from capital I, small L, vertical | …also the same width as other numbers 50 Keyº 2 2 º2 Number Two 51 Keyº 3 3 º3 Number Three 52 Key º4 4 º4 Number Four 53 Keyº 5 5 º5 Number Five 54 Key º6 6 º6 Number Six, a half-dozen 55 Key º7 7 º7 Number Seven, American-style — or use an italic 208 if you desperately need to see a European–7 56 Key º8 8 º8 Number Eight — looks Frankensteinish, but a rounded 8’s top was too weak…this flows better with the 3, 5, 7 57 Key º9 9 º9 Number Nine 58 ; ºor º: : : Colon — which, for AppleTech reasons, won’ºt appear in your filenames — but my special one at 171ºwill 59 Key ; ; ; Semicolon 60 º, or º< º< < Less-Than symbol 61 Keyº = = º= ºEqual sign — or a Double Bond (use 23 to make a Triple Bond ) 62 º. or º> º> > Greater-Than symbol 63 ºº/ or º? º? ? Question mark, or Interrogation point (if your dictionary is as old as mine) 64 2 orº @ º@ @ ºAt — works well for an email address@wiz.com — plus lines of @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 65 A ºA ºA A is for Alpha 66 B ºB ºB B, or Beta 67 C ºC ºC C, or So-so — and 100 in the Roman Numeral System 68 D ºD ºD Make an Icelandic Eth–ºD by using the hyphen at 208, italicizing it, adding 188 (pixel space), and typing a plaintext D 69 E ºE ºE E, or Epsilon D=500 in Roman Numeral 70 F F F Decided to in-space this by a pixel, so it’d work with Full Force — you can add a 188 to kern Fine into Fºine 71 G ºG ºG G, or Family-Rated 72 H ºH ºH H, or Eta 73 I ºI ºI I, or Iota; also 1 in Roman Numeral 74 J ºJ ºJ This J is a pixel wider than most other letters, but I’m compensating for centuries of weak J’s in other fonts 75 K ºK ºK ºK, or Kappa — and ditto, so it more clearly spells “MIKE” and “Kibo” ;ººD 76 L ºL ºL L; also 50 in Roman Numeral 77 ºM ºM ºM ºM, or Mu — couldn’ºt make this thinner and still instantly recognizeable; also 1000 in Roman Numeral 78 N ºN N N, or Nu — ditto 79 O ºO ºO O, or Omicron 80 P ºP ºP P, or Rho 81 Q ºQ ºQ Qº, or that wacky omnipotent from Í 82 R ºR ºR R, or Arrr, or an Indian Rupee 83 S ºS ºS Sˇ 84 T ºT ºT T, or Tau 85 U ºU ºU U 86 V ºV ºV V, or Versicle; also 5 in Roman Numeral 87 ºW ºW ºW ºSee 77 88 X ºX ºX X, or capital Chi; 10 in Roman Numeral; the ©ed letter for that TV show XXXXXXX> ºthat’s an ascii X-Fºile ; 89 Y ºY Y ºY, or a little dowsing stick 90 Z ºZ ºZ Z, or capital Zeta 91 Key º[ [ º[ Left Square Bracket (and more comprehensive--## 92 Keyº \ º\ \ ºBack Slash, aka The Reverse Solidus 93 Keyº ] º ] º] ºRight Square Bracket 94 ºº6 orº ^ ^ º^ ºCircumflex Accent 95 - or º_ º _ º _ Horizontal Bar, Underscore 96 Keyº º` ºº` ` Grave Accent — which mostly just points to Ààèìòù and Ààèìòù 97 Keyº A a ºa Small A, or Alpha (and a problem letter) 98 Keyº B b ºb Small B (I tried b, d, h, k and l ºwith top pixel further right, but the rakish ascender didn’ºt interface with caps) 99 Keyº C c ºc Small C — and the Velocity of Light100 Keyº D d ºd Small D, or old British Pence101 Keyº E e ºe Small E (and another problem letter)102 Keyº F f ºf ºSmall F103 Keyº G g ºg Small G — and Acceleration Due to Gravity104 Keyº H h ºh Small H — and Planck’s Constant105 Keyº I ºi ºi ºSmall I106 Keyº J ºj ºj ºSmall J107 Keyº K ºk ºk Small K108 Keyº L ºl l Small L109 Keyº M ºm ºm ºSmall M —also makes nice lines of mmmmmmmmmmmmm & mmmmmmmmmmmmm’s 110 Key ºN ºn ºn Small N111 Keyº O o ºo Small O, and small Omicron112 Keyº P p p ºSmall P113 Keyº Q q ºq Small Q114 Keyº R r ºr Small R115 Keyº S s ºs Small S (another problem letter)116 Keyº T t t ºSmall T117 Keyº U u ºu Small U118 Keyº V v v ºSmall V — and Frequency, and small Nu119 Key ºW ºw ºw ºSmall W — Ohwowowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 120 Keyº X x ºx Small X, Chi, and Multiplication121 Keyº Y y ºy Small Y122 Keyº Z z ºz Small z123 [º or { º{ { ºCurly Braces took much reworking & decision…finally moved the jog down to better complement small124 \ or º| | º| Vertical Bar — 2 kinds: standard-plain |||| and fancy-long with a slight overlap, so you can do this | º| | |º|º|º|||||||||º|||||||º|º| | | º|º 125 ] or º} ºº} º } ºItalic Braces look wretched, work fine — and also make a nice herringbone effect }}}}}}}}}}} }}}}}}}}}}} 126 `ºor º~ ~ º~ ºTilde, as in mañana — at this size it unfortunately matches the italicized inch-mark, butº~≠" 127 Ô ºDelete ºA missing space & number on the ResEdit font template — which will work here as a Forward-Erase128 Ô ºUºthenº ºA Ä ºÄ A-dieresis129 Ô ºº A ºÅ ºÅ Swedish A-ring, or Ångstrom — shortened, since the halo on the A’s peak made it look like an H with a headache130 Ô ºº C ºÇ ºÇ C-cedilla (ºÅ is also the full name of a pretty village next to the Mælstrøm, North Norway)131 Ô ºEºthen ºº E É ºÉ E-acute132 Ô ºNºthen ºº N Ñ Ñ ºN-tilde133 Ô ºUºthen ºº O Ö ºÖ O-dieresis/umlaut134 Ô ºUºthen ºº U Ü ºÜ U-dieresis, and a classic Umlaut (occasionally, you get a beauty in both catagories)135 Ô ºEºthen ºA á ºá Small A-acute136 Ô º`then ºA à ºà Small A-grave137 Ô ºIºthen ºA â ºâ Small A-circumflex138 Ô ºUºthen ºA ä ºä Small A-dieresis139 Ô ºNºthen ºA ºã ºã Small A-tilde140 Ô ºA ºå ºå Small A-ring141 Ô ºC ºç ºç Small C-cedilla142 Ô ºEºthen ºE é ºé Small E-acute143 Ô º`then ºE è ºè Small E-grave144 Ô ºIºthen ºE ê ºê Small E-circumflex145 Ô ºUºthen ºE ë ºë Small E-dieresis146 Ô ºEºthen ºI ºí ºí ºSmall I-acute147 Ô º`then ºI ºì ºì ºSmall I-grave148 Ô ºIºthen ºI ºî ºî ºSmall I-circumflex149 Ô ºUºthen ºI ºï ºï ºSmall I-dieresis150 Ô ºNºthen ºN ñ ºñ Small N-tilde151 Ô ºEºthen ºO ó ºó Small O-acute152 Ô º`then ºO ò ºò Small O-grave153 Ô ºIºthen ºO ô ºô Small O-circumflex154 Ô ºUºthen ºO ö ºö Small O-dieresis155 Ô ºNºthen ºO ºõ ºõ Small O-tilde156 Ô ºEºthen ºU ú ºú Small U-acute157 Ô º`then ºU ù ºù Small U-grave158 Ô ºIºthen ºU û ºû Small U-circumflex159 Ô ºUºthen ºU ü ºü Small U-dieresis, aka the Little Umlaut160 Ô ºT º† † Dagger, or the Footnote mark for someone who’s passed through the Veil — plus the tatoo of Popeye161 Ô ºº 8 º° ° Degree sign, or a diamond ring for the cute blonde at 223 (Ô º6) — and then a BIGGER diamond162 Ô º4 ¢ ¢ American Cent sign163 Ô º3 £ º£ ºBritish Stirling164 Ô º6 º§ º§ Section sign165 Ô º8 º• • ºBullet — and, a Bullet-hole166 Ô º7 ¶ º¶ ºParagraph sign (aka, the Pilcrow)167 Ô ºS ººß ß ºGerman small double-s (actually an s+z ligature) — and you can also use it for a Beta, I won’ºt tell168 Ô ºR ® ® The italic Copyright/Trademark/Registered™ looked awful, so they’re sacrificed in the name of º∏athematics:169 Ô ºG © © ºNow you can make some of your favorite fractions — like ©/2, ©/3, ©/4, ™/5, ™/6, ®/7, ®/8,‘©/9, ®©/67ths and E=mc™170 Ô º2 ™ ™ Yes, it’s out of this chart’s order, but it belongs at the 2-key; I didn’ºt design this keyboard numbering system171 Ô ºº E ºº´ º´ ºThis Colon can replace the one that normally won’ºt print in filenames — amaze your friends, confuse your foes172 Ô ºº U º¨ º¨ 172 is normally a lonely little diaresis-pointer, so I've drawn a more useful full-character173 Ô º= º≠ ≠ Does-Not-Equal sign174 Ô º ºº' ºÆ ºÆ ºAn archaic Latin dipthong (ligature of A+E), commonly used in Moderne Science and the Æsthetic Artes175 Ô º ºO Ø ººØ Norwegian O-Slash, or an O with a viking spear through it (ºØyº)176 Ô º5 ºº∞ º∞ ºInfinity x 2 seemed repetitively redundant, so I have transmogrified the 2nd Infinity into a Darwin Fishy177 Ô º º= º± º± Plus-or-Minus sign (more or less)178 Ô º, º≤ º≤ Less-Than-or-Equal sign179 Ôº . º≥ º≥ More-Than-or-Equal sign180 Ô ºY ¥ º¥ ººJapanese Yen sign — or a small crustacean181 Ô ºM ºµ ºµ Micron sign, or small Mu182 Ô ºD º∂ º∂ ºPartial Differential sign, or small Beta183 Ô ºW º∑ ºº∑ Summation sign, or Sigma184 Ô º ºP º∏ ∏ Product sign, or capital Pi185 Ô ºP π ººπ ºPi, or 3.14159265+…186 Ô ºB ∫ º ∫ ºIntegral sign187 Ô º9 ª ºª ºSpanish Ordinal Feminine & Masculine replaced by Venus & Earth (alternative to Mars, & I like this symmetry)188 Ô –O º JittlovJam Secret Spacer, allowing you to obsessively pinpoint-reposition every character by >1< pixel!189 Ô ºZ Ω Ω Omega, or a Lucky Horseshoe — the italics version can also be used for The Egg That Walks…Ω ı 190 Ô º' æ ººæ The italic æ resembles the œ — iƒº thou ƒindest them conƒusin’…then prithee, don't useº’em191 Ô ºO ºø ø ºSmall Norwegian O-Slash, or a little o with a viking toothpick through it192 Ô º º/ ¿ º¿ Spanish (& Australian?) Inverted Question Mark193 Ô º1 ¡ º¡ ºSpanish (& Australian?) Inverted Exclamation Mark194 Ô ºL º¬ º¬ Not sign, Not Logical — never seen anyone use this little lockpick, so I made its alternate more utile ¬ Ω195 Ô ºV º √ º√ ºRadical, and a useable Check mark196 Ô ºF ƒ ºƒ ºFºlorin, and Fºile sign197 Ô ºX ≈ º≈ ºApproximately, Similar To, Sort-of Equal, Ehhhh, Close Enough for Government Work198 Ô ºJ Δ Δ A capital Delta — and a Pythagorean one199 Ô ºº\ « « ºGuillemot Left, aka French Angle Quotes — «très bon» for Germans, or du kannst machen “diese,,200 Ô º ºº\ » » ºGuillemot Right — also nice sideways-chevrons <»»201 Ô º; … ºº… Ellipsis — which also let you type connecting…periods without line-wrapping in their midst202 Ô ºSpacebar An alternate match to #32, it’s like an invisible letter (ie, a text connector that won’ºt wrap to the next line)203 Ô `ºthen º ºA À ºÀ A-grave204 Ô ºNºthen º ºA ºÃ ºÃ A-tilde205 Ô ºNºthen º ºO ºÕ ºÕ O-tilde206 Ô º ºQ Œ ºŒ ºO+E — also Olde Englishe, and for œuvres about œnology or Œdipus207 Ô ºQ œ ºœ ºSee 190208 Ô - ºººº– ºº– ºEn-Dash — everyone uses Minus, so this makes <–- -–> and the italic’s indented/up a pixel for more customizings209 Ô º - º— — Em-Dash — at 6 pixels, but if you need to lengthen this,º just type Ctrl U ( º) first — — — —210 Ô [ “ º“ Quotation marks, left211 Ô º º[ º ” ” Quotation marks, right212 Ôº º] º‘ º‘ ºIndirect Quotation, left213 Ô º ºº] º’ ’ Indirect Quote, right — kinda vexing to kern for apostrophe (it’s’r’t’l’d), set to allow the best ‘In-quotes’214 Ô ºº/ º ÷ º÷ Division215 Ô º ºV ººº◊ ºº◊ Instead of a single Lozenge ° (see 161) — two enchanting Eyes to watch over your files.`º◊º°◊'216 Ô ºUºthen Y ºÿ ºÿ Instead of a single ¨ (see 172) — two Hearts for your special files, or for Valentine’s Day. º'º˜ 217 Ô ºUºthen º ºY ºŸ ººŸ It’s about time someone fashioned a dingbat of the Truck-Grill Girl. So I did. She is yours. Treat her well.218 Ô º º1 ⁄ ⁄ ºDitto. I believe this is the first dingbat Unicorn. Goes with the Girl. Who is not a dingbat. …A WizBat! 219 Ô º º2 € € ºThis shadow guy would also like to go with the girl. But there’s this pony with a horn. So he dances on…220 Ôº º3 ‹ ºº‹ A whirling galaxy — which becomes a pot of gold (set your screen-color accordingly)221 Ôº º4 › › ºI know ºVikings didn’ºt have horned helmets, but the hero of myº“Bjørn to be Wild”ººmovie does. So there. <}º p222 Ô º º5 fi º fi Just a note or two — Vikings like to whistle, especially at 223’s223 Ô º º6 ºfl ººfl ºTwo profiles of my future wife, wherever/whoever She is224 Ô º º7 º‡ ‡ A Fºlower for the faire maiden — and a Castle (I wish…) (ºpay no attention to the subliminals)225 Ôº º9 · º· Two WizBats which will probably see more application than all the others226 Ôº –O ‚ ‚ My humble signature (lifesize!) — and another Wizard block227 Ôº ºW º„ „ Something for all ye computer wizards — the 2nd completes the logo for my movie, The„„ 228 Ôº ºR º ‰ º‰ The famous Sign on the Hills — and a more evocative virgin…uh, version229 Ô º ºM ºÂ º  A shower of sparkles — and it’s the Speed-Wizard himself (set to overlap) º  230 Ô Iºthen º ºE ºÊ ºÊ Good morning, Starshine — also set to overlap, for your kerning pleasureº Ê Ê 231 Ô º ºY ºÁ Á ºPrettiest 5-point star I could manage — and the best Magen David232 Ôº Uºthen º ºE ºË º ºË This helpful silhouette likes to hold up letters — or sneak them out when your Apple’s asleep ˺Hi-HoË 233 Ô º`thenº ºE ººÈ ºÈ My favorite line-pattern, made to overlap one pixel Ⱥ ––>ºÈÈÈ — and a bolt from the blue234 Ô ºº S ºº Í Í For the attorneys, this is a robot pie-plate juggler — and a stylized candle-flame235 Ô ºº D ºÎ Î Me, thinking about my next adventure — and the world’s smallest J.R.“Bob” Dobbs, Church of the SubGenius icon236 Ô ºº F ººÏ ºÏ A surprisingly nice USA Flag — with a watchful ‘merican Eagle237 Ô º`thenº º I Ì Ì The ideal vehicles for living in my neighborhood (if you want toºkeep ºliving…)238 Ô ºº H ºÓ º Ó ºWhat looks like a tiny Battery Bunny™ is just an old tree and the moon — and a fuse-sputtering b-b-BOMˇ 239 Ôº º J Ô º ºÔ ºMacintosh™ Command & Option Key symbols — or standard UK tourist signs? Youº be the judge240 Ôº ºK º º º An Apple, intact, without that disturbing half-eatenº‘Bite of Knowledge’— and a Shift Key arrow241 Ô º ºL Ò ºÒ ºIt’s a Smiley º º ºand a Frowney º that you can see without tilting your head sideways (saves characters, too)242 Ôº º; ºÚ ºÚ And these versions of The Hitchhiker’s Guide planet (at #242!) can replace the raspberry-smiley ; p243 Ô ºIºthenº ºU ºÛ ºÛ ºOooo, scarey Skull, cackle cackle ˛ººÂ244 Ô º`then º ºU ºÙ Ù A terrifying T-Rex — becomes an even more frightening dino from kid-TV (Hey, here comes the giant meteor!)245 Ôº ºB ºı ºı A little yapping dawg-thing, it be small but mighty246 Ôº ºI ˆ ºˆ ºMeriday’s 42" iguanas — Velcro (she clings to everything) & her mate Majyk (akaº“Snap-Dragon”ˆº) 247 Ô º ºN º˜ º˜ A mini Meriday Beth Komor (who is really 5'9" & a NetGhoddess-genius & staring at this right now & ·ºing me)248 Ôº º, º¯ ¯ ºThis is what the Wizard now drives, after a careless driver totalled my wonderfully gizmo’d Dodge Challenger249 Ôº º. ˘ º˘ ºA vampiric WizBat (named “MEisner”º) — and a close-up of the bat’s disarmingly innocent face250 Ô º ºH ˙ ˙ ºFor your older folders, a Spider that hangs from your file-icon — or webs across it, ensnaring a letterrr ˙ 251 Ô º ºK º˚ º˚ ºMighty Atlas will hold up your file-icon, when positioned just right —ºand ººhe’s at ÔººK in honor of NetGhod Kibo252 Ô º ºZ º¸ ºº¸ For my fellow night-owls …And for those seriously lonely dudes, ¸º¸º ºa nice pair of hoo ters to keep you up ; º 253 Ô º ºG ˝ º˝ My neighbor’s Cat, who always loves to visit when I’m cooking Tuna Helperº∞ ˝ 254 Ô º ºX º˛ ˛ From McGoohan’s “The Prisoner” (visit the actual Village in Portmeirion, Wales & pose with the Naballoon!)255 Ô º ºT ˇ º ˇ ºA fun character to end your filenamesˇ — and another to end this string of WizBats Ì ˘ ˇ Ú 256 (enter) ºMy symbols for non-viewable ‘.not-def’ characters…you’re not supposed to see these, please ignoreSome examples of decorative lines, made exclusively with JittlovSF font characters:}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!===================================================================…Or if you poke around in the other nooks of the Jittlov Font, you’ºll find the elements to make everything in the Jittlov Borders ReadMe. á á÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷î ôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqÃJittlov Fonts are my gift to the World for rewarding my wanderings with adventure and delight. They are meant to be shared freely among all creative souls— primarily among those who are generous with their talents, knowledge, understanding and sympathy. Distribution must include all Jittlov Font elements,all Legends and ReadMe’s. After obtaining my written permission, Jittlov Fonts can be uploaded onto a Mac User Group bulletin board and/or included in a MUGCD-ROM and/or MUG authorized font disk collection. Jittlov Fonts may NOT be included in shareware collections sold for profit, or in any other commercialpackage/media/medium, without my prior written permission and appropriate payment. If the WizBats wind up in print ads or cookie cutters, I will find out.And if anyone does make a fortune off an original element, it’s always Good Karma to share the wealth with its creator (since you may be the first to sharein his next great discovery). Respect these simple requests, and the Apple-Norns shall smile upon you. And keep your equipment from crashing so much. Á º Ê fl › fl Ê ºÁ Jittlov Fonts, Legends & ReadMe’s ©1996 by Mike Jittlov, All Rights Reserved, Alle Rechte Vorbehalten, Tous Droites Reservées (as if this will protect anything).Your comments, positive advice and constructive criticism are appreciated, but response is not guaranteed. All flames cheerfully ignored, all rites reversed.ÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔ‡ Mike Jittlov * 902 North Maltman Avenue * Hollywood, California, USA 90026-2714 * Voice-phone (213) 664-8626 (noon to 11pm, L.A. time) ÎÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκÈκ