éééééééééééééééééééééé ꋇºÊ ººfl ‚ ’sº Jittlov Screen Font with WizBatsˇ ˘ ı Ÿº€ ⁄º ˜º  Jittlov ScreenFont LegendThis chart shows all of the characters in the Jittlov ScreenFont. Their accessibility depends upon your system, and the word processing program you’re in(see the ReadMe’s for full info). On my PowerBook 540c, and in this original SimpleText file, all characters (except #0 and 256) are visible. You also must haveJittlov ScreenFont installed in your Fonts folder. Note that this particular font is strictly a screenfont — meant to show your Apple filenames in their mostcompact configuration, along with special characters you can use to construct non-Latin letters and other symbols. Those constructs will not appear ondocuments/email transmitted to others, unless they also have Jittlov Screenfont installed. (Use the font simply labeled ‘Jittlov’ ºinstead.)ASCll Decimal font positions 0-32, 127, 202 and 256 should be left alone, unless you feel really lucky. They do odd things, either solo or in certain links. If thatpiques your interest, I’ve included their access key-combinations for the adventurous/foolhardy. As usual, “Ctrl” ºis the Control key (coincidentally labeled“ctrl” on your keyboard)º; “º ” ºis the Shift keyº; “ºÔ ” ºis the universal ideogram for the Option key (or a behind-the-back Hi-5)º; “Ôº” ºis the Apple Commandkey (or a European roadside sign for some historic site with an admission fee)º; “Ctrl M” means that you hold down the Control key while you push the M key(capitalized here for your convenience, but do not ºuppercase it unless the Shift º arrow is also indicated). Each position number will access two (or more)character sets — the Plain Characters in Column A, and the Italic/Alternate/Completely-New Characters in Column B.The simplest way to cross the Font Dimension is to type Ô I (or highlight the text/character), and you’re in Italic-Land. Type Ô T (or Ô I again), and you’veswitched back to plain text. Typing Ô U will underline, even in italics, and Ô B will make characters bold & gloppy. If ˆ appeared, you typed the wrongthing. If your word processing program permits, then you can also make letters and charactersº outlined and/or shadowed (which changes the leading,or interline spacing). Choosing Condensed (condensed) or Extended changes the intercharacter spacing. These commands work in most standard text-editingprograms, however… The current System (7.5.3r2) always uses the Plain Text for filenames, with the Italics side reserved for filename aliases. And thecurrent BBEdit Lite lets you have Plain or Italics — but not both in the same document. Until Things Change, these are the Rules we must live by. We begin…Dec# Keystroke Plain Italic Description/Excuse 0 Ctrl @ º 1-31 are temporary pix-indicators, I’m still testing for some way to effectively pictify any of these positions 1 Ctrlº A º º ºSecret position for an Icelandic capital Eth (–ºDº) 2 Ctrlº B º ºSecret position for an Icelandic small Eth (’∂ …sort-of) — replaced by Chinese for ‘Perfection’ º& ‘Genius’ 3 Ctrlº C or ºEnter ºSecret position for a capital L-slash — typing Ctrl C gets the place-holder at 256 — and is Claris Page-Break 4 Ctrl ºD º ºSecret position for a small Polish L-slash — sometimes erases or moves my cursor to document-end 5 Ctrl ºE ºº Secret position for a Czech S-caron/hachek (S, use 14) — may also get HELP in WordPerfect 6 Ctrl ºF º Secret position for a Czech small S-caron/hachek (ºs, use 15 ) 7 Ctrl ºG º º Secret position for a capital Y-acute (Y under' ºº) — also rings a bell on some computers 8 Ctrl H Secret position for a small Y-acute (ºy under' ºº) — this will also Back-Delete, so be careful 9 Ctrl ºI or Tab JittlovJam’s Tab set at 10 pixels — perfect in SimpleText & BBEdit, but Claris & WordPerfect have their own Laws 10 Ctrl ºJ º